I really wanted to write this post so longgg time ago... but i'm so lazy to do that. However, i'm gonna write it down now. The longer i delay to write it down, the shorter the story i'll write. Cos, i might be forget what happenned that time.
At March 2012, i saw a campaign about Bali Marathon in internet, newspaper and some billboards. I never participate at any kind of this events, so i have no idea how big the event is. I just feel so excited to participate, and dreaming about being healthy!! Eventhough i've never do exercise running for about 4 years lately !! I was thinking that the event must be great, must be international event, it's so nice to do running with sooo many people, and it held in my own country. So, why not i participate this time?
So, i ask my friends to join me. But only one who want to join. Then, we are 2 girls only fly to Bali for 4days 3 nights. Like an escape within our busy and working time in Surabaya. This time i had a nice culinary trip too, because we have a friend in Bali who take care of us when we're there. She took us to nice and cheap food stall, but so delicious !
The event took time at Sunday, April 22th 2012. We came to Bali at saturday. There is no special intention for me to win this. I just want to have fun. And it really fun!
There are 4 main categories for adult at this event. Full marathon (42km), Half marathon (21km), 10km, and Relay marathon. We took the lowest class, 10km. At first, we are afraid, how far is it? How if we can't get finished till the end? And so on.
Then, the big day is coming ! There were a bus pick-up waiting for us at Musro, Kuta at 3 AM. Its place located at Bali Safari and Marine Park, Gianyar, Bali, which needs about 1-2 hours to get there.
Our category, 10km, started at 6AM. And... we were sooooo nervous.
It was a very huge event....with total participants approx. 10.000 people.....and there are from all around the world..... The place is in the main road of Gianyar Bypass, till the Safari Jungle area.......and it's soooo huge...
I was so amazed that time, with the number of the participants. Maybe 60% are foreigner....
So........the race started...
There are a sign for every 1km on the side of the running track. I am running full power at the first and second km.....then..... the third, i'm exhausted....sooo much... That time, i think i'm gonna die. Cos i have to finish the next 7-8 kms, which i thinked i can't.
But there are so many people running together with us, just like a spirit pump for me. So, i keep going, i am trying to keep walking, keep walking faster, and keep running.....
The check point at 5km became a turning point for me. I have another spirit that I CAN.
And at last, i really finish.... Maybe it just 10km, and not even at the top finisher, but i am proud with myself. Just like the campaign : Push Your Limit ! And it's definitely true.
Push Your Limit, and YOU CAN too !!
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