Kadang ketika aku melihat sekelilingku, ingin rasanya aku tak usah mempercayai semua yang ada. Hidup bagaikan sebuah mainan, sebuah misteri, yang tak tahu kemana akan membawa kita melangkah.
Semua yang ada di dunia ini terasa seperti kebohongan dan penuh dengan muslihat serta intrik. Sikap hati yang bagaimana yang harus aku pegang dalam melihat masalah-masalah yang ada?
Dunia sekitarku yang penuh ambiguitas dan topeng senyum, membuatku menjadi seseorang yang sangat suka berpikir, menganalisa, kadang cenderung impulsif, melankolis, dan mendambakan suatu kehidupan yang sederhana saja.
Asal bisa hidup tentram bersama orang yang kita saling mencintai saja sudah cukup... Perasaan dimiliki dan memiliki serta keterikatan dengan orang yang kita cintai, sambil berbagi hidup sehari-hari dengan damai, bagiku sudah pantas untuk menyandang status "bahagia".
Berbagi hidup dengan seseorang mungkin terlihat gampang. Tetapi berkaca pada sekitarku, mungkin...juga tidak segampang itu. Aku pun juga belum pernah hidup berumah-tangga. Rasanya bagaimana aku tidak tahu. Aku kadang hanya seseorang yang terlalu mengagungkan cinta, percaya 100% dengan kata itu sendiri. Salah kah?
Hari ini aku menulis ini, bukan karena aku mau terus menganalisa dalam pikiranku yang penuh dengan pikiran negatif. Tapi, supaya suatu hari aku bisa membuka lagi catatan ini, dan aku sadar bahwa aku masih tetap mau menjadi orang yang percaya akan cinta.
Masih tetap sama ke-naif-anku untuk mempercayai cinta itu sendiri, dan memberikan diriku 100% untuknya. Aku percaya pada harapan. Aku percaya pada diriku sendiri. Aku percaya pada Tongy-ku yang sekarang kita bersama. Terlebih, aku percaya pada Tuhan.
Support, pengertian, sabar, dan doa. Always and should be never end.
*postingan super-absurd :s
Happy Anniversary 6-months, Mbruttong-y xoxo..
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Dear Mbruttong..
Today is as usual another wednesday, or any other day that i spent together with you. Spending our times with watch dvd while we monitor our a trading at the computer. It's so usual, so common, but i do really enjoy our times together.
Time flies so fast, while we ealized we have been together for quite some months. April is quite bit hard times for us to synchronize. But later on it continues nicer and nicer.
Maybe it's kinda bit hard to understand me, or the other way, to understand you. But after we found the point to key on these things, i really feel glad. I'm glad that i haeve you.Told you really that i never regret that we go on together. Sometimes when i did wrong to you, i am sorry and i don't mean to do that.
I do enjoy when i hold you tight from your back, or when you so childish ask me to hold you, and hug you. I hate when you tickle me soooo much, but... sometimes i miss that :p and miss your expression when you were so happy to do that.. haha..
Thanks for your effort to do your best. I will really listen to what you say :).. Know you and being together more and more with you, sad times or happy times, makes my heart really can't be alone without you. Even just when both of us stay quiet each other. I miss your presence. Just be there for me, and i really feel safe....
Time flies so fast, while we ealized we have been together for quite some months. April is quite bit hard times for us to synchronize. But later on it continues nicer and nicer.
Maybe it's kinda bit hard to understand me, or the other way, to understand you. But after we found the point to key on these things, i really feel glad. I'm glad that i haeve you.Told you really that i never regret that we go on together. Sometimes when i did wrong to you, i am sorry and i don't mean to do that.
I do enjoy when i hold you tight from your back, or when you so childish ask me to hold you, and hug you. I hate when you tickle me soooo much, but... sometimes i miss that :p and miss your expression when you were so happy to do that.. haha..
Thanks for your effort to do your best. I will really listen to what you say :).. Know you and being together more and more with you, sad times or happy times, makes my heart really can't be alone without you. Even just when both of us stay quiet each other. I miss your presence. Just be there for me, and i really feel safe....
Saturday, June 2, 2012
WAHCTBOOTBM... XD... depend on which way you want to go... :p
Anyone can guess what's that?
Anyone can guess what's that?
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