Long time i didn't post anything, just because i was sooo busy preparing for..... the day.. :D.. yes.... "that" day... haha.. the day that (maybe) i waited for so long time...and it just... happenned !!
Just want to share how i feel right now...
So many things changed now... from my single life, (officially) become a wife.
Dari tinggal sama ortu/sendiri jadi tinggal bareng.. kalo bubuk udah ngga sendirian lagi.... kalo mau apa2 udah halal skrg.. (hahahaha)... kalo mau pulang mlm/ pergi sendiri ada yg dipikirin..... musti mikirin maemnya suami (aduh so sweet hahaha) dari pagi smp malam......
Musti jg mikirin ke depan...planning gmn....soal family......soal keuangan....dll
Sebenernya sih, nggak terlalu banyak yg berubah drastis banget..menginat me n Prut sblm merit juga uda doing everything always together. As in, he used to live alone, and i (have to!haha) take care of him everyday. Udah begitu banyak kebiasaan yang kita udah saling ngenal, sehingga mostly hampir blasss ngga ada perubahan ato perbedaan ato masalah soal ini....
Soal chit chat everyday, ya mostly we share anything n everything. So, ya mostly ngga trl banyak perubahan, hanya skrg tinggal bareng, and mostly yg harus dipikir adalah planning ke depan mau gimana.
Susah juga mikirin ke depan mau gimana. Karena kalo dibilang udah settle banget yaaa kita blm settle banget. Masih harus banyak berhemat di sana sini, hrs mikir gimana untuk menabung, mikir gmn untuk mau investasi / usaha lain / apa... Kayaknya semua masih nggak pasti..
Jadi, setelah officially married selama 2,5minggu (hahaha), cuman mau bilang bahwa, married adalah benar-benar new chapter ahead......
Really it's not an easy task for us to get together. At that day, we just feel like we've won a battle of our relationship (and all the situation we have to faced).
And it becomes a support, a booster for us to always holding hands both of us together with God, and have faith for whatever it may comes ahead :)
Don't lose hope when things isn't going easy, or things isn't going the way we want it to be.. Have a grateful heart.... Keep dreaming, keep trying and trying another way, keep praying.....and have faith...
We've just won the battle, but that's not the ending. It's just a beginning.... Still have another and another battle to be fight for... So, more big heart, more string, more faith are needed more...
Yeah, that's life :)
Have a grateful heart and never give up !!
* i'll write about it my weeding's details next post...* /(^x^)\