There is a moment when you hope that time can stop and capture that forever... Lately, there were a lot of that feelings happened to some moments. I had a bad week with Prut 2 or 3 weeks ago. Me, my stupid careless emotional mouth, and our fight. Feel bad about that.
But that was a turning point for me. I realized i have to be more mature, and not so selfish. I admit my fault, i feel very regret, and really really don't wanna do that again. I renew my own commitment to myself about Prut and this relationship.
After that, i dunno.... I feel very value every time i spent with Hun. Treasure every happy moments and don't wanna break it. More respect Hun's says. And feel much deeper Hun's care and love to me.
Sometimes we share our fear about our future. Prut tell me how i meant in his eyes, and through all of these.
Yeah, actually it's been more that our one year already, and i flash back...there were quite lot things we spent together through the times.
We like to spend our time cuddling each other. It feels good and comfy. Love to hug u tight. This week i'd just feel much muuucchhh moment that i treasure so much. I miss all those moments, and hope it stays forever. Just u and me, without shits around us, to sharing life each other together.... I fall in love with you everytime i remember all those moments..again...and again...
In front of you, and maybe us is dark..thinking when will that shits end...but i hope you stay strong...for us... As i do....for you.... Cause i know how worth is ours, to be waited and hoped...
Love u....always...