Wah..udah lamaaaa banget nggak nulis blog pake bahasa indo..hehe.. (sok internasionil bangetl nih ceritanya...), jadi kangen menulis pemikiran-pemikiranku yang lebay dan agak gilaaaa dengan lebih cespleng. Hehe..
Akhir-akhir ini aku seriiing banget mikirin tentang diriku. Udah umur berapa lah, mau jadi apa lah, apa aja yang udah happenning in my life lah, udah bisa apa lah sekarang..dan hal hal sebangsa dan setanah airnya itu lah. Apalagi kalau orang sekitar kita udah pada mulai berubah atau udah berubah menjadi 'seseorang'. Entah some new life chapter, atau new job and working ideas, and so on.
Contoh nih, pas habis ngelihat temen baikku merit, hati jadi sedikit mencelos 'nyesss...'.. Yah, kapan yah aku... trus temen yang lain juga pada tunangan, dst dst... Atau pas habis ngelihat temen yang lain, sukses sama kerjaanya, hati pun juga jd nguing-nguing ... 'Halooooo....kamu sendiri sekarang udah jadi apaaa? Udah sukses belom? Udah bisa apa?'.. Apalagi kemarin-kemarin pas hari galau', kepala tambah mumett aja isinya, mikirrrr terus yang bukan bukan deh.
Tapi mungkin memang perlu juga suatu fase seperti itu ya, supaya kita bisa lebih memaknai hidup dan apa yang kita punya sekarang...Kayak sekarang gini waktu pikiran udah lumayan jernih sehabis melanglang buana kemana-mana, baru bisa melihat dengan cakrawala baru, bahwa hidup nggak cuma melulu isinya harus seperti yang aku mau.
Ternyata masih ada buanyakkk alasan untuk aku feel grateful and harus grateful. Kalo aku masih diomeli sama ortu atau masih ribet aja ngurusi ortu, berarti aku masih ada ortu yang harus aku sayang. Kalo aku masih ada tengkaran dan omelan-omelan sama Hun, berarti orang tersayangku itu masih peduli sama aku, butuh aku, dan still care with this relationship. Kalo aku kadang terbosan-bosan sama kehidupan yang begini-begini aja, berarti aku masih ada waktu luang untuk diriku berpikir apa yang akan aku lakukan. Kalo masalah dan hal-hal menyebalkan terjadi, berarti aku masih harus terus belajar sabar (semoga aku bisa ! hahaha)..Kalo hal-hal yang aku inginkan tidak selalu terjadi, berarti akan ada hal yang lebih baik yang bakal terjadi. Selalu ada alasan untuk mengucap syukur.
Oke, jadi aku akan buat daftar untuk diriku sendiri, how to pursuit my happiness...
1. Ngga usah sibuk membandingkan hidup kita dengan orang lain, membandingkan kebahagiaan apa saja yang sudah kita miliki VS orang lain. Cos everyone has their own way of life, and everything happenned for a reason. Being happy isn't determined by comparing with other people around us, but just how we accept and feel grateful for everything we have...
2. Semua ada waktunya. As a smart people, punya otak punya tangan, kita harus mengejar apa yang kita mau. Tapi, ojo mekso.... Ada hal-hal tertentu yang memang bukan waktunya, ditunggu aja, be patient, must be more wonderful then..
3. Sometimes being 'someone meaningful' doesn't mean always being successful, pretty, and something like that. But, some simple things in life you do it everyday, taking care of people around you, being nice, and you are already being meaningful for them.
4. Tetap semangat dan optimis aja selalu. Di mana ada usaha dan semangat, pasti akan dikasih jalan. Aku selalu bilang, hari esok nggak akan ada yang tahu apa yang bakal dan bisa terjadi. Always don't give up on anything.
5. Find a sweet little happiness on every little things happened. Belum tentu bisa terulang lagi kapan-kapan..
6. Every struggle in you life made u now.
1-6 ditulis di sini, pake bahasa indo, biar aku selalu ingat !!! Ngga suka ngomel-ngomel lagi sendiri !! Hehehe..
Kupikir-pikir, buat orang lain pun, mungkin aku juga udah ada kehidupanku sendiri ya. Aku pun juga udah go on my life with Hun...that's a point...
Oke, sekarang mikirin yang lebih riil aja, apa sih yang pengen aku tuju dalam hidup? Aku harus jadi apa ya sama Hun?
- Successfull couple trader (woo...)
- Baru aja berasa suka masak --> enjoying life being chef (hohoho...) --> harus rajin masak? atau start les masak?
- Traveler's writer --> CORET, karena kere nggak punya uang buat jalan-jalan, apanya yang mau ditulis..
- Woman racer or couple racer... hohoho...bayangin aja keren.. wkwkwk
But, more of that, dream ku adalah being a good wife and mom for my husband, kids, and my family......
Ini kok jadi ngaco ya malah ngomomgim apa.. Anyway, aku harus rajin nulis blog !!!
Semoga rencana untuk tulis review akhir tahun dan resolusi awal tahun nanti bisa terlaksana. Amin o:)
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I was quite upset yesterday, maybe because of my mood and situation in my home. I was soooo moody, and made Hun quite sad... :(
Well, but i think, yesterday was a turning point for me. Maybe it really need to happened, so can widen my mind. After thinking and talking much with Hun, i finally can feel relieved. Maybe Hun did wrong things to me. So do i to Hun. We often made mistakes to each other. Things not always going in our way. But i realized, i believe in Hun. This trust that i wrote before, supposed to be more powerful than my super-too-much-thinking mind. So, I don't want to think too much anymore about anything that supposed not to be thought now.
When my mind flashed about losing you, i realized how happy i am with you now. How grateful i am to have you in my life. So many things to be happy with you. Even just simple things, living our daily life, sharing our daily activities together, feels that our heart so firm. Still so many nice story to be wrote along our together way.
Thank you Hun for open my eyes...
Happy eleven-month anniversary, Prut ! And may it last ever-after..
Well, but i think, yesterday was a turning point for me. Maybe it really need to happened, so can widen my mind. After thinking and talking much with Hun, i finally can feel relieved. Maybe Hun did wrong things to me. So do i to Hun. We often made mistakes to each other. Things not always going in our way. But i realized, i believe in Hun. This trust that i wrote before, supposed to be more powerful than my super-too-much-thinking mind. So, I don't want to think too much anymore about anything that supposed not to be thought now.
When my mind flashed about losing you, i realized how happy i am with you now. How grateful i am to have you in my life. So many things to be happy with you. Even just simple things, living our daily life, sharing our daily activities together, feels that our heart so firm. Still so many nice story to be wrote along our together way.
Thank you Hun for open my eyes...
Happy eleven-month anniversary, Prut ! And may it last ever-after..
Monday, November 12, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Teach me...
God.....please....teach me how to be patient...how to care...how to obey....how to share....how to listen...how to be nice......
and how to love......
For my every single day......i always see her like that......i don't want to be like her....
Just teach me how to be in Your way, for my life and people who stay in my life, and my future....
and how to love......
For my every single day......i always see her like that......i don't want to be like her....
Just teach me how to be in Your way, for my life and people who stay in my life, and my future....
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
See, saw, seen
See what you supposed to see, and don't see what you don't supposed to see. Cos when what doesn't supposed to be see is seen already, you can't deny your heart that you haven't saw it.
And you started to know too much and think much, imagine much and comparing much too....
People said...if what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart. Because the heart can see beauty and love more than the eyes can ever wonder...
And you started to know too much and think much, imagine much and comparing much too....
People said...if what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart. Because the heart can see beauty and love more than the eyes can ever wonder...
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